Understanding Lab Water Purification Methods

Many experiments have very stringent water quality requirements, and the level of water treatment varies depending on the experiment's needs. If you want your water to be clean enough to ensure that it meets the requirements of your experiment, several methods can help you remove small impurities from your water. The most common method used in laboratories is [...]

2024-05-13T15:36:57+08:00May 13th|Blog|

From Technique to Accuracy: Navigating the Dos and Don’ts of Pipetting

Pipettes play a very important role in the laboratory and are one of the basic laboratory instruments that are indispensable in the laboratory. The operation and use of the pipette affects the quality of the experimental data. The correct use of pipette is crucial to the accuracy of experimental results. In this article, we will share with you [...]

2024-04-17T08:32:04+08:00April 12th|Blog|



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